On May 13, 2013 we held our first ever Demo Night at the NYC Web Design Meetup. Participants had up to 5 minutes (timed) to present their site (focus on features or show off your UI), followed by 3 questions from the audience.

There were some fantastic entries, and when the audience polling was completed there was one winner: the Panera Bread The Hard Road to Antibiotic-Free HTML5 website, created by Luxurious Animals with partner Cramer-Krasselt (C-K).

Luxurious Animals won the opportunity to present their project to the group as an in-depth feature presentation at an upcoming meeting, so stay tuned for more details. After our demos, we spent the rest of the evening networking with our peers in the NYC Web Design community.

Special thanks to Alina Balean for helping to organize this month's event.